Hunzeker announces candidacy for coroner


RIO GRANDE COUNTY— Rio Grande County Coroner Stephen Hunzeker announced his intention to run for re-election in the upcoming election. In March of 2017, Hunzeker was appointed to the office by the Rio Grande County Board of Commissioners following the resignation of Rusty Strohmayer and John Darlington.

In his brief time as coroner, Hunzeker has created opportunities to make many improvements within the office. He joined forces with the Commissioners to purchase a fully equipped used pickup truck from the Weld County Coroner’s office, replacing the dilapidated van. Additionally, a multitude of other necessary equipment was replaced all while being fiscally minded and ending the 2017 budget year with a surplus balance.

Hunzeker states, “I have learned that being the Rio Grande County Coroner is both rewarding and challenging; I enjoy being able to provide families with compassion and closure during a very difficult time. I will continue to lead the coroner’s office with transparency and professionalism in an effort to build and strengthen relationships with all of Rio Grande County’s collaborating agencies.”

He added he would appreciate voters’ support throughout the campaign and would need their help to continue in his role as coroner and further benefit the constituents of Rio Grande County.

“Looking to the future, I will balance fiscal responsibility with the upmost integrity and sound judgement to ensure that the coroner’s office sustain financial stability,” he said. “Safeguarding the reputation of the office is crucial, therefore all staff will participate in annual death investigation trainings to assure that each has the knowledge, skills and abilities to represent the office of the coroner with the integrity that our families deserve.”