Slover is new Sargent super


MONTE VISTA — Sargent Schools welcomed new Superintendent Greg Slover, on July 1. Slover, who has most recently been a principal in New Mexico for the past six years, has 17 years of experience as a principal. In addition, he was a high school English teacher and has coached basketball, football, track, tennis and golf. He attended South Planes Junior College in Levelland, Texas as well as West Texas University in Canyon.

Slover has five children; his two daughters, ages 10 and 14, will be attending Sargent Schools. Slover’s two older sons, ages 30 and 32 live in Texas; one is a police officer in Amarillo and one works for the Valero oil company. His youngest son, who is 21, just graduated this spring from Adams State University with a degree in sports psychology.

Slover and his wife of two years, Shannon, who is “a wonderful speech therapist,” have been coming to the South Fork area for several years, even before they met one another and recently purchased property there. They decided they wanted to stay in the San Luis Valley and Slover had just turned down a superintendent position in Texas because it didn’t fit his family’s needs, when Shannon found the Sargent position online. Slover interviewed for the position the same day his son graduated from Adams State. His son had also praised the Sargent district. Having coached at Centennial High School, he thought very highly of the school and its students when the two schools played one another.

Slover also goes fly-fishing on the Conejos River at the Superfly events every April, and he and his family enjoy the skiing and hiking opportunities.

Slover attended Sargent’s 100-year anniversary celebration and reunion on July 1, stating it was a good introduction to the area and he appreciates the tradition of pride that Sargent students and graduates have in their community.

When asked what he likes the most about the district so far, Slover stated he really likes all of the employees of the district he has met so far, noting they are “all quality people.”  

When asked if there is anything he would like to change in the district, Slover stated he is coming into a place he doesn’t know a lot about yet and “making many changes at a place that is good already would be a mistake,” adding “I hope to build off of previous successes” and add his philosophy and thoughts to the good things that are already happening there.

“Being a coach for as many years as I’ve been, bringing the best out of people is one of my strong points… Helping people recognize their importance and their value is something I hope to bring to this district.”

Regarding his vision for Sargent Schools in the next five to 10 years, Slover stated, “I would hope to at least maintain our currently high academic status, hopefully increase in size and be a school that people look to for excellence.”

Slover looks forward to maintaining as many programs as are feasible, but will analyze them more specifically over the next academic year, adding “It’s hard to make projections when school isn’t in session and there are no kids in the hallways.”

Slover is looking forward to school beginning next month so he can get to know all of the students and staff more and see the successes of the Sargent district in action.