Pauley caught


CONEJOS COUNTY — Fugitive Kyle Pauleypictured above on the left, was arrested early Tuesday, March 6, following a tip from a community member who saw a suspicious person walking through Sanford at approximately 7:38 a.m.

The individual fit Pauley’s description, so a Colorado State Patrol officer responded and identified the person as Pauley, who ran and attempted to conceal himself in an irrigation ditch as the trooper gave chase.

La Jara Police Chief Jerry Lujan and additional CSP troopers responded and Pauley was taken into custody at approximately 8:07 a.m. without force and with no injury.

Lawrence Gonzales, pictured above on the right, who escaped with Pauley via the building’s ventilation system, continues to remain at large. Conejos County Sheriff Robert Gurule said at around 8:30 a.m. that his arrest might be imminent.

If Gonzales is seen do not approach and call 911 immediately. If the community has any tips, leads, or questions please contact