County provides for emergencies


ALAMOSA — The Alamosa Board of County Commissioners voted to approve a new emergency funding package/policy for the Alamosa County Department of Human Services on Wednesday. The unanimous decision followed a presentation by DHS Director Catherine Salazar who made the request for the funds.

In the event of a natural disaster, the Alamosa County DHS found that an emergency recovery funding package would potentially be very beneficial to Alamosa County in the event that families would be in need of emergency assistance. The funds would come from the TANF funds that the Alamosa County DHS office already has on hand. The amount would be up to approximately $5,000 to families who experience great loss of property. No specific amount has been earmarked for this measure as of yet.

The monies would be distributed only if a State of Emergency were to be declared by the governors’ office.  The distribution would also be at the discretion of the DHS. The policy will allow for the expedited distribution of aid from the DHS office to families who are working to get reestablished in the aftermath of a disaster.

The commissioners approved the policy. Chairman, Darius Allen signed the draft. The policy will now be sent to the state for approval.