Comic brings 'Laugh for Life' to SLV


ALAMOSA — Comedy is serious business for Mike G. Williams. It’s about saving lives.

The Jay Leno alumni who shares humorous stories of everyday life presented “Laugh for Life” at Plachy Hall on the Adams State University campus on Friday night. The annual event raised funds for the San Luis Valley Women’s Resource Center headquartered in Alamosa.

“You are blessed to have a center like this in Alamosa,” Williams told the group, which included young people, families and senior citizens. “I encourage you to get behind the center, see them as a partner with you.”

He applauded the center for helping those who have found out they are pregnant to choose life as an option and for helping the young parents all the way through the pregnancy and beyond.

“It’s not just a ministry that needs to go on,” Williams said. “It’s a ministry that needs to thrive.”

He encouraged those attending the event to make an investment in the women’s center.

“Your gift may mean somebody will be alive next year because of it,” he said. “That’s a pretty good investment, pretty good return.”

Williams did not dwell on his own life story but shared that he was the youngest of five growing up as a “street kid, welfare kid” in Chicago. His older brothers died, one on the streets and the other in a jail cell. His biological father was not present in his early life and in fact he did not meet him until he was 27. After five minutes, his father asked if he would drop him off at a bar, and that was the extent of their relationship.

His mother gave him away, something that probably saved his life, he related. The only Christian his mother knew was the mailman who would tell those on his route “remember God loves you.” One day Williams’ mother asked the mailman if he would take her son “out of this hellhole.” The man could not personally take the boy, because his wife was ill, but he said his daughter and son-in-law couldn’t have children and would love to take her son.

“I am a rescued kid,” he said.

He added that his oldest son was also a rescued kid whose mother was in jail and considering aborting him. He had health problems, so no one was interested in taking him, but Williams’ wife said they would. They have three other children as well.

Williams and his family live in the Dominican Republic where abortion is illegal but occurring at a higher per capita rate than in the U.S., Williams said.

“Making something illegal does not mean that it stops it,” he said. “Legislation doesn’t change things. For us to change this situation it’s going to take us changing hearts, one life at a time.”

For 15 years Williams has been helping with pregnancy centers.

“I left the corporate world 15 years ago to save some lives,” he said.

He made the audience laugh, but he said his mission was not just to bring laughter but also to bring to light the good work of the SLV Women’s Resource Center whether it is performing an ultrasound, counseling a parent-to-be or providing free screenings like STD tests.

“Let’s save some lives together,” he said. “We can’t save the world, but we are not out in the world. We are in Alamosa, Colorado. Let’s save the children in Alamosa, Colorado,” Williams said.

For information about the Women’s Resource Center call (719) 589-6698, email or visit

To learn more about Williams, books he has authored and where he will be speaking, see