Candidate Hixson withdraws


ALAMOSA — Heather Hixson announced on Friday that she was rescinding her request to be considered for the open seat on the Alamosa city council created by the election of Councilman Ty Coleman to mayor. Thirteen people including Hixson submitted letters of consideration to fill the remainder of Coleman’s at-large term.

However, Hixson removed her name from the list on Friday because of her relationship as fiancée to newly elected Councilor Michael Carson who would have a conflict of interest in the selection process if she were one of the candidates.

Hixson stated in the Friday email announcing her decision to take herself out of the running for the vacancy, “Michael Carson deserves to be viewed as an honorable man and to have a positive experience as a city councilor.”

Remaining candidates for the vacancy on council are: Josef Lucero, Kristina Daniel, Michael Stefano, Shirley Adcock, Darrel Cooper, Leland Romero, Lori Smith, Rob Oringdulph, Martin Diaz, John Adams, Josh Wehe and Pete Magee.

The council plans to interview the candidates on Tuesday, December 19, beginning at 5:30 p.m. at city hall. The interviews will be open to the public.