Zacheis Planetarium free movie schedule continues

Posted 10/25/17

ALAMOSA – The Adams State University Zacheis Planetarium has released the free public showings schedule through December 9.

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Zacheis Planetarium free movie schedule continues


ALAMOSA – The Adams State University Zacheis Planetarium has released the free public showings schedule through December 9.

Thursdays, 7 p.m. and 7:45 p.m.:

November 2: Seven Wonders and The Body Code

November 9: Fractal Explorations and Distant Worlds – Alien Life?

November 16: Live Astronomy Program both shows

November 30: Dawn of the Space Age and Moons: Worlds of Mystery

December 7: Ice Worlds and Stars of the Pharaohs

Saturdays, 3 p.m. and 3:45 p.m.:

November 4: Space School and Life: A Cosmic Story

November 11: Lucy’s Cradle and Saturn: Jewel of the Heavens

November 18: Dream to Fly and Supervolcanoes

December 2: Undiscovered Worlds and Sunstruck

December 9: Origins of Life and Astronaut 2012

As always, admission is free for everyone, just check in at the front desk. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Doors open 15 minutes before the first show.

Visit: for details and movie descriptions.