Valley Gardening: Roll the dice and plant anyway

Ruthie Brown
Posted 5/20/17

The weather this week certainly explains why I call gardening and farming, legalized gambling! I even had to move a few of my flowers at the store inside—not all of them, but things like Coleus, Impatiens, Portulaca and some of the herbs, like Basil.

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Valley Gardening: Roll the dice and plant anyway


The weather this week certainly explains why I call gardening and farming, legalized gambling! I even had to move a few of my flowers at the store inside—not all of them, but things like Coleus, Impatiens, Portulaca and some of the herbs, like Basil.

Plants that were left outside include all the cold crops like cabbages, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, peas, and lettuces. Also, all the perennials I have were left out to get used to our Valley weather. I’m looking at my phone and it is telling me that after tomorrow (Saturday) morning we should stay above freezing for maybe 15 days. Possibly down to 30 next Tuesday, but most plants can survive that. 

A friend did tell me that Paonia received 6” of snow this week, so I guess we will find out in August what the price of peaches, and other fruit may be. Like I said…legalized gambling.

Hey—did you know that Splashland is open in the mornings for lap swimming? To this day, I am still in awe at SLV Builders for buying the pool and fixing it up as they have! What an asset for our community—and all by business owners who wanted to do something good for our town, when government entities couldn’t figure it out. When talking to Leroy Polkowske last week, he was even excited about a pool cover he had seen in Wisconsin. Wouldn’t that be wonderful—making Splashland year-round? It seems to me that if Alamosa has $2-3 million for a multi-purpose hockey rink, then we should be able to do a partnership and help get a dome in place. Could we come up with half a million to get this done? As a disclaimer—this is my opinion and does not come from Scott or Leroy.

Peyton Sanchez and his mom cut 18” of hair off my pea-picking head this past Monday! Boy, does that feel different. All for raising money for the Jaiden Rogers family.

Speaking of raising money—we (Green Spot) are now collecting donations for the Sanchez family—no matter how small (or large). Peyton has ALWAYS given to others—from art supplies for Children’s Hospital, to Ronald McDonald House, to the Valley Food Bank—his heart is so true, so generous. The Sanchez family never asks for anything, except how can they help you. It’s time we help them. I am going to post an update on Peyton, (from his mom Sheila) along with my plea for support in a letter—maybe even today if I figure out how to cut and paste from Facebook. Give what you can, if you can.  Thank you!

I’m extremely proud of my granddaughter, Peyton, because she set up her “concession” stand at the store and made a sign and sold bracelets for her friend Peyton. I think she made over $150 because of the generosity of my customers and friends. Pretty funny when she said, “I need to close my stand because I need a nap before the ballet recital. Please tell people to come back when I am awake.” I wish I could do that.

I am firmly convinced that you do need to get started planting, work your way through the frosts and the wind. If you plant right, and cover right, you can get an extra 30 days of growing in, during the month of May. Besides that, it is much easier to cover seedlings in the spring than it is to cover a large plant in September. And…plants are already shutting down in the fall when the frost comes. The days are getting shorter and plants know that. You HAVE to get started early—in my humble opinion.

The Shrine Circus is coming up Friday, June 2nd  at the Monte Vista Ski-Hi Park. These folks do such a wonderful job helping children from all over the country. Jerry Haynie, one of the longtime club members, brought me in some information sheets about what all they do and I have to say it’s amazing.  I have some flyers at the store if you know a child/family that needs help. So much more than just a “burn hospital” which is what many folks think. Thank you Jerry!

In closing…there is going to be a GREAT concert at Society Hall on the 24th—that’s next week. All kinds of stringed instruments—gonna be fun. Stop by the Green Spot for tickets or go online at If you buy on or before Tuesday, I will honor 20 tickets for $10 each. Such a deal! It would be a great time to check out the hall if you haven’t been there before.