Still time to register for ASU listening classes

Posted 1/9/18

ALAMOSA – Adams State University has nearly 90 classes available for community members to attend as “listeners.”

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Still time to register for ASU listening classes


ALAMOSA – Adams State University has nearly 90 classes available for community members to attend as “listeners.” This spring the campus continues to offer classes without the commitment to assignments, projects or tests, for a minimal fee and no homework.

Adams State listening classes aim at providing community members a low cost way to pursue lifelong learning through a wide variety of courses. No credit is assigned to these courses so they do not apply to any degree or certificate but the opportunities for personal enrichment abound. All university student policies apply to participants in continuing education courses.

Adams State offers the following types of continuing education courses: Listening Classes, Art Studio Classes and Applied Music Classes. All continuing education courses are not for credit and last 16 weeks.

Listening Classes are available in a wide range of disciplines and enable participants to learn more about that topic. Community members may take Listening Classes for $50/credit hour. ‘Listeners’ are expected to attend classes regularly and participate as the instructor sees fit.  ‘Listeners’ should meet with the instructor after the first class to discuss what this means for each class.  ‘Listeners’ will not complete assignments, homework or exams and will not be graded.

Listening Courses currently offered in academic departments across campus include theatre, speech, sociology, human performance and physical education, history, government and politics, geography, geology, mathematics, psychology, English, Spanish, computer science, web design, communications, business, biology, art, music, and anthropology.

Art Studio Classes participants will be charged $100/credit hour plus specific course fees. Participants in studio classes are expected to attend classes regularly. They will listen, learn and apply the techniques to make their own artwork.  Access to studio facilities outside of class time is at the discretion of the instructor. Studio participants will participate in class critiques and activities whenever possible but will recognize that the instructor must give priority to students taking the course for credit. Studio participants will not submit artwork to be graded and will not complete other assignments, homework or exams. Available Studio Classes include sculpture, ceramics, illustrator, drawing, and Photoshop.

Music Applied Classes will be offered at $100/credit hour. Music applied classes require that participants commit to participating in public performances as well as attending class. Concert choir, band, jazz ensemble, and chamber ensemble-percussion are available for applied classes.

For more information or a complete list of Listening Classes visit and click on the Continuing Education link.

Caption: Adams State has added more opportunities for community members to take “listening classes” for the spring semester./Courtesy photo