Social distancing seems to be paying dividends

Posted 4/18/20

So far in the San Luis Valley, two-hundred seven COVID-19 tests have been completed. Of those, there have been twenty-two confirmed cases of COVID-19, with two fatalities in Alamosa County.

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Social distancing seems to be paying dividends


SAN LUIS VALLEY - So far in the San Luis Valley, two-hundred seven COVID-19 tests have been completed. Of those, there have been twenty-two confirmed cases of COVID-19, with two fatalities in Alamosa County. Eighteen have completed their isolation period and been free of symptoms for at least seventy-two hours. More information, including a link to the SLV Symptom tracker, see our website,

SLV regional public health staff member Linda Smith notes, “Almost exactly one hundred years ago my great-grandmother and three family members were quarantined for six weeks on a remote ranch in Conejos County due to a smallpox exposure. I have thought of them often during these past weeks. What did they do to entertain themselves? How did they stay connected with others? How were their basic needs met? As challenging as this past few weeks has been for me, thinking of her has made me grateful for the ways that modern technology has made things just a little easier. Imagine what this would be like if we didn’t have the internet, or reliable phone service, or even basic electricity.”

Our utility workers continue to work in the field to keep these essential services available to us. These workers have taken steps to ensure their own safety as well as yours. Xcel has assured us that they are practicing social distancing, so please do not approach them in the field. They have suspended non-essential work that requires them to enter private homes and businesses. In some emergency cases, they may need to enter. If this is necessary, they will take some important precautions. They will not shake your hand, and they will maintain at least 6 feet of distance from you. They may wear personal protective gear like gloves, coveralls, or safety goggles; and they may come equipped with disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer. If anyone in your home is sick, that person may be asked to stay in a separate part of the house while work is being completed. 

Public health and our partners continue to monitor our situation and plan for next steps. We will not be issuing any updates over the weekend.