ALAMOSA — Alamosa will soon be acknowledged as the “City of Champions, Home of Adams State Cross Country Track & Field.”
The Alamosa city council on Wednesday approved a resolution supporting a sign to that effect to be placed on city property at the eastern edge of town. The sign, which will be next to Highway 160, will be visible to travelers crossing over the Rio Grande bridge into Alamosa as well as those leaving the city. It will be across the highway from the train pavilion.
“You will be able to see it going either direction,” said Alamosa City Public Works Director Pat Steenburg.
He said university representatives approached city staff about installing a monument sign in a highly visible place to highlight Adams State’s running program. He said the university has all the other permits necessary including permission from the Colorado Department of Transportation, and just needed the city’s approval to move forward.
Steenburg said several sites were reviewed before this one was selected.
The council unanimously approved the resolution supporting and permitting the sign installation.
“I think this is awesome,” said City Councilman Jan Vigil. “I am all for this.”
He said many other communities do this, and with ASU’s reputation with its track program, this would be an ideal move.
Councilman Ty Coleman added, “What I like about that sign is it talks about Alamosa being the city of champions, and we are the city of champions. I think this is going to be a positive benefit.”
“I am very supportive of this,” added Alamosa City Councilor Liz Thomas Hensley.
“I am very much in support of this celebrating Adams State,” added Councilor Kristina Daniel.
“We have always wanted to be a city where runners come to train, and that dream is still out there,” said Alamosa Mayor Josef Lucero. “I am in support of this as well.”
The Colorado Outdoor Advertising Act provides for governmental entities to install such monuments for a public purpose in areas next to primary highways. The city had no cost in this project. Adams State will purchase, install and maintain the sign.