Sheriff's Report for January 12, 2018


January 8

  • Michael Mora, 27, Alamosa, was cited for driving 10-19 mph over the speed limit at the 5000 block of County Road 100 South.

January 7

  • Joanna Meza, 20, Gypsum, was cited for driving 10-19 mph over the speed limit at the 5500 block of CO Highway 17.

January 6

  • Chloe Kramer, 22, Golden, was summoned for driving with a denied license and driving 5-9 mph over the speed limit at the intersection of Second Avenue and CO Highway 17.
  • Justin Jumel, 37, Alamosa, was cited for following a vehicle too closely at mile marker 224 of U.S. Highway 160.

January 5

  • Brianne Gibson, 36, Alamosa, was summoned for driving with a denied license and failing to stop at a stop sign at the intersection of County Road Eight South and Craft Drive.

January 4

  • Brian Nicholas, 40 of Tucson, Arizona, was cited for driving 20-39 mph over the speed limit at the 13000 block of Lane Six North.
  • Michael Padilla, 39, Alamosa, was summoned for driving with a revoked license and failing to stop at a stop sign at the intersection of County Road Eight South and Craft Drive.
  • Pamala Pfeiffer, 62, Alamosa, was summoned for improper turn signal use and driving without insurance at the intersection of U.S. Highway 285 and Ironfield Road.

January 3

  • Kendall Davis, 49, Denver, was cited for driving 10-19 mph over the speed limit at mile marker 247 of U.S. Highway 160.

January 2

  • Anthony Isler, 45 of Tulsa, Oklahoma, was cited for driving 10-19 mph over the speed limit at the intersection of U.S. Highway 160 and Femmer Street.