Michael Mora, 27, Alamosa, was cited for driving 10-19 mph over the speed limit at the 5000 block of County Road 100 South.
January 7
Joanna Meza, 20, Gypsum, was cited for driving 10-19 mph over the speed limit at the 5500 block of CO Highway 17.
January 6
Chloe Kramer, 22, Golden, was summoned for driving with a denied license and driving 5-9 mph over the speed limit at the intersection of Second Avenue and CO Highway 17.
Justin Jumel, 37, Alamosa, was cited for following a vehicle too closely at mile marker 224 of U.S. Highway 160.
January 5
Brianne Gibson, 36, Alamosa, was summoned for driving with a denied license and failing to stop at a stop sign at the intersection of County Road Eight South and Craft Drive.
January 4
Brian Nicholas, 40 of Tucson, Arizona, was cited for driving 20-39 mph over the speed limit at the 13000 block of Lane Six North.
Michael Padilla, 39, Alamosa, was summoned for driving with a revoked license and failing to stop at a stop sign at the intersection of County Road Eight South and Craft Drive.
Pamala Pfeiffer, 62, Alamosa, was summoned for improper turn signal use and driving without insurance at the intersection of U.S. Highway 285 and Ironfield Road.
January 3
Kendall Davis, 49, Denver, was cited for driving 10-19 mph over the speed limit at mile marker 247 of U.S. Highway 160.
January 2
Anthony Isler, 45 of Tulsa, Oklahoma, was cited for driving 10-19 mph over the speed limit at the intersection of U.S. Highway 160 and Femmer Street.