Safe Routes to School selected in SLV

Posted 4/13/18

VALLEY – Colorado’s Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program is receiving $2.49 million this year for projects that enable and encourage children to walk or bicycle to and from school.

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Safe Routes to School selected in SLV


VALLEY – Colorado’s Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program is receiving $2.49 million this year for projects that enable and encourage children to walk or bicycle to and from school.

Colorado’s Transportation Commission approved $2.49 million to fund 15 SRTS projects around the state.  Two of the funded projects are in the San Luis Valley. Both infrastructure and education and encouragement projects are included. The program is federally funded and managed by CDOT.

“Communities across Colorado are continuing to make a commitment to support safe routes to school for their school children,” said SRTS Program Manager Leslie Feuerborn.  “For the twelfth straight year, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) has provided the project grants.  There continues to be strong interest in getting more students walking and biking to and from school, teaching children pedestrian and bicycling safety, encouraging healthy living, and improving the built environment to support active transportation.”

The following Valley entities were selected for funding through a competitive process:

In the infrastructure projects, Town of Manassa, and in the education and encouragement projects, Center Consolidated School District

This year’s awarded projects can be viewed at:

Grantees design programs that meet the needs of their schools and community.  Infrastructure projects include sidewalks installations, intersection crossings improvements and connector trail construction. Education and encouragement projects involve educating elementary and/or middle school students about bicycle and pedestrian safety, skills training, and communication campaigns. All have the goal to increase the number of students walking and biking safely to and from school.

Projects are reviewed, scored, and recommended for funding by an appointed advisory committee representing bicyclists, pedestrians, educators, law enforcement, parents, metropolitan planning organizations and transportation planning regions. Any political subdivision in the state (school district, city, county, state and tribal entity) are eligible to apply for a grant.

“As we’ve completed the twelfth year of the program we are very pleased with the progress we’ve made,” added Feuerborn.  “Along with enhancing safety, SRTS is a great way to introduce active transportation to children.”

Another component of the program is the annual Walk to School Day in October and Bike to School Day in May.  This year’s Bike to School Day is recognized nationally on May 9, with events running throughout May.