Rotary to meet on Jan. 20

Posted 1/12/25

ALAMOSA — The Alamosa Rotary Club would like to invite all interested individuals to its regular meeting at noon on Monday, Jan. 20. The meeting will be held at Juanito’s Mexican Kitchen, 2069 First St., Alamosa. 

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Rotary to meet on Jan. 20


ALAMOSA — The Alamosa Rotary Club would like to invite all interested individuals to its regular meeting at noon on Monday, Jan. 20. The meeting will be held at Juanito’s Mexican Kitchen, 2069 First St., Alamosa. 

The speaker will be Brett Phillips who is developing a local program of Court Appointed Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) and guardian ad litem (GAL) in the San Luis Valley. 

CASA volunteers are appointed by judges to advocate for children’s best interests. This best-interest advocacy makes a life-changing difference for children and youth who have experienced abuse or neglect, many of whom are in foster care.  

For more information, visit online 

The mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, promote integrity and advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through fellowship of business, professional and community leaders. 

For more information about Rotary International, visit online 

For more information about the Alamosa Rotary Club, call 719-588-2557.