Placek announces for Costilla County Clerk


Najondine T. Placek, announced her candidacy for Costilla County Clerk & Recorder. She has been employed by the Clerk’s office for seven years, five of which she served as Chief Deputy Clerk and Recorder. Placek is proud lifelong resident of Costilla County.

Her responsibilities have been recording deeds, registering automobiles, issuing marriage licenses, registering voters, administering elections and maintaining records for the Board. The Clerk and Recorder's Office is made up of several divisions, which includes Motor Vehicle, Elections, Recording, Liquor Licensing and Clerk to the Board.

In the time that Placek has been serving in this office, she has accomplished many important tasks. Some of those task are:

  • Implementing online document searching
  • Applied for and was awarded grants for a new election equipment for the benefit of all Costilla County Voters.
  • Applied for and was awarded a grant for a Ballot Drop Box that was installed in Blanca to benefit the voters on the North end of the county.
  • Applied for a grant to preserve and archive all Costilla County records.

In the capacity of County Clerk and Recorder, she would be honored to be able to offer all services in the most efficient, professional, and courteous manner.

“Costilla County is my home! It is my desire to continue working and volunteering to make life a better place for all of Costilla County,” said Placek. “I have many plans to better serve the constituents of Costilla County. If elected I will conduct the duties of the Clerk and Recorder’s office in a fair and impartial matter with efficiency and integrity. I would greatly appreciate your support in the upcoming election.”