ALAMOSA — "Pedal to Preservation" is a group ride to visit four of the more than 20 buildings which Alamosa City Council has designated as historic landmarks. The ride is Sunday, May 21, and will start at the old County Courthouse on 4th Street at 4 p.m. The ride will progress from the 4th Street location to the Adams State University Campus, where three additional structures have been given local historic designation.
The Alamosa Bicycle Coalition and the Alamosa Historic Preservation Advisory Committee sponsor the event. It is designed to encourage people to put air in their tires and get outside bicycling as the days get warmer and to learn how many benefits there are to historic preservation.
On May 22, the coalition is hosting a Pride Ride in partnership with the SLV Pride group for queer folks and allies. It will be at 6:30 p.m., starting at ABC in Alamosa. ABC is located in the alley behind 709B Main St. in Alamosa. For more information, email