ALAMOSA – Andrea Oaks-Jaramillo has been named the new Disaster Recovery Coordinator at the San Luis Valley Development Resources Group (SLVDRG), with the task of reviving the region’s economy following the negative impacts of the COVIC-19 pandemic.
“SLVDRG is thrilled to welcome Andrea back to the San Luis Valley serve in an economic development role in the Valley,” said SLVDRG Executive Director Kevin Wilkins. “Her duties as the new Economic Recovery Coordinator will focus her skills and experience on the complex task of building base industry for the San Luis Valley.”
As Disaster Recover Coordinator, Oaks-Jaramillo will focus on identifying economic recovery, mitigation, and potential resiliency projects in the San Luis Valley to boost economic growth in the region.
“I am grateful for this wonderful opportunity to return to the San Luis Valley,” Oaks-Jaramillo said. “The valley will always hold a special place in my heart. This community has shown so much compassion and support to my family.”
Oaks-Jaramillo spent over five years as Marketing and Economic Development Director at San Luis Valley Rural Electric/Ciello, before moving with her family to California. Her new position with SLVDRG marks her return to the Valley. “The opportunity to return and help create and execute an economic vision for a place with so much potential is a true gift,” she said.
“Andrea will support efforts of local business development and economic development organizations to keep and grow businesses in the San Luis Valley, and to recruit base industries - businesses that bring money from outside the Valley into the area,” said Wilkins.
The Disaster Recovery Coordinator was created within SLVDRG in 2020 with funding from U.S. Department of Commerce through the Economic Development Administration as part of agency’s national response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Previously, the position was held by Sarah Stoeber who left the organization for another opportunity in the Valley.
“My goal is to collaborate with entities and people across the area to realize lucrative and sustainable economic development goals,” Oaks-Jaramillo explained. “This valley, the people, the communities — have a pioneering grit and pride that needs to be commended. It is our time to realize the aspirations and goals of this hidden gem of southern Colorado.”