Helpful fire prevention tips shared

Posted 12/7/17

VALLEY — DIY Network host and fire building expert for Pine Mountain, Jason Cameron, can speak to a number of tips on fireproofing your home for the holidays including:

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Helpful fire prevention tips shared


VALLEY — DIY Network host and fire building expert for Pine Mountain, Jason Cameron, can speak to a number of tips on fireproofing your home for the holidays including:

Tip #1: Make sure candles and holiday decorations are at least three feet away from heat sources, such as a lit fire or burning candles. Candle fires are four times as likely to occur during the winter months.

Tip #2: If you have a real tree in your home, make sure it has plenty of water. Pine trees can easily become dry, which increases the risk of a tree fire.

Tips #3: Ensure your tree stand is secure and any electrical cords from your decorations are tucked away and in working condition.

Tip #4: Use a firestarter to light a fire in the fireplace instead of paper or accelerant.

Tip #5: Change the batteries in your smoke alarm so that you are confident they are working properly. Smoke alarms are one of the best ways to alert you and your family of a house fire.