Gillette runs for Saguache commissioner

Posted 2/17/18

SAGUACHE COUNTY— Terry M. Gillette has announced his candidacy as a Republican candidate for Saguache County Commissioner.

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Gillette runs for Saguache commissioner


SAGUACHE COUNTY— Terry M. Gillette has announced his candidacy as a Republican candidate for Saguache County Commissioner.

There are many new and exciting things happening in the Valley and Gillette would like to be part of planning the future.

His qualifications for the position are as follows:

“I grew up working on and around the farm in the Midwest; 20 years small business owner, four years in Saguache; six years experience in city government as a councilman; 20 years in federal government, six years as a section supervisor; college education through Grandview in Iowa; Law Enforcement Academy graduate, NCO leadership training through Sergeant First Class, Commissioned Warrant Officer with 25 years of military service; Saguache American Legion Post Commander and past commander; Elementary Committee chairman for six years, Van Meter Iowa; member of the Saguache Chamber of Commerce and trustee on the Town of Saguache board of trustees.

“As the timeline of these qualifications demonstrates, I am very accomplished at multi-tasking. At the end of the day one of my strongest qualities has been my aptitude for problem solving. If something isn’t right I can’t help but try and fix it. I understand the complexities of even rural government and offer my services for the purpose of making our Valley all that it can be,” said Gillette.