To adopt or reclaim any of these pets, contact Conour Animal Shelter at 852-3366 or 2825 Sherman Ave., Monte Vista, between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Also see
Gertie loves rocks! She is a 2-year-old Pitt mix. Please remember, Conour requires background checks on all Pitt type dogs.
This guy will make just the best family pet! Fuzzy McGee is waiting for his forever home. He is a gentle sweet dog who needs a couple of kids to play with.
This young 6-month-old hound mix is so smart and young enough to be trained to fit in any home and family.
This is Jack, a chi mix who is very shy. It will take some time for him to warm up, as he is working on his social skills.
Meet Makita, a 4-year-old A Kota mix. He has tons of energy and brains. He will need a high fenced yard to be safe and is looking for a hiking buddy!
This is Smokey. He is a 4-year-old Chow. He is house trained and a great dog! All Smokey wants is to lay by the fire and go for walks this winter!