Archery range, expanded disc golf course open

Ruth Heide
Posted 11/7/17

Matthew Archuleta, center left, and Michael Archuleta, center right, cut the ribbon on the expanded disc golf course on Monday.

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Archery range, expanded disc golf course open


Matthew Archuleta, center left, and Michael Archuleta, center right, cut the ribbon on the expanded disc golf course on Monday. Holding the ribbon are San Luis Valley Disc Golf Association President Justin Davis, left, and Alamosa Mayor Josef Lucero, right.

Below, Alamosa Parks & Recreation Community Activities Manager Jessica Jolly, left, and Alamosa Parks & Recreation Director Andy Rice, right, hold the ribbon while Joshua Kelly, center, cuts it on Monday during the ceremonial opening of the archery range, shown behind them, that was designed and built by Joshua Kelly as his Eagle Scout project.