Amarah shares 'Delany's Poem' again


Hi! My name is Amarah. Kids are important to me, and they’re important to Jesus, too.

Jesus said in Matthew 25:40 (KJV), “Whatever you’ve done unto the least of these (kids), you’ve done it unto me.”

“Kids like me” are kids whose parents are drug addicts, and alcoholics; kids who have suffered, or who are suffering, abuse and neglect on multiple levels; and kids who are victims of bullying.

Hey, kids like me, I know-and-love some grandparents who are raising their 5-yr old grandson. Yes, he’s a ‘kid like me’ and he needs a bunk bed. Can anyone reading this please help them with a bunk bed? Please, call (719) 588-7221 and let me know ASAP!

And, I want everyone to know that Alamosa Bowl, 204 Victoria Avenue, is offering FREE BOWLING the 1st Sunday of each month to Kids Like Me from 1-4 pm. Just come in and complete an application. How awesome is that! Thank You, Alamosa Bowl! See you at Alamosa Bowl, Sunday (3/4/18) from 1-4 pm!

Also, we’ve had more comments on ‘Delaney’s Poem’ than any other. I want to share it again today because it reveals the heartbreaking reality of addiction and what it does to sons and daughters, innocent babies and children as well as to parents, grandparents, and families - something everybody needs to know:

Mom Shares Late Daughter’s Poem about Heroin Addiction

A parent’s worst nightmare became a reality for Brian and Bridget Farrell when their 23-year-old daughter, Delaney, overdosed from heroin and died recently, 7/1/17. She knew what her monster was, said Brian in a Facebook video that now has more than 11,000 views. She knew she was battling it.

Delaney lost the battle on Saturday. She was found by Williamsport, Pennsylvania, police at a Red Roof Inn where she had previously been employed.

Although Delaney has died, she left behind a powerful poem that has struck a chord with many. The poem, which expresses what it’s like to struggle with heroin addiction, was included by her mother in her obituary (whose online version crashed from a surge of traffic on Friday) after she found it in her daughter’s journal.

Here is the complete poem written by Delaney:

Funny, I don’t remember no good dope days.

I remember walking for miles in a dope fiend haze.

I remember sleeping in houses that had no electric.

I remember being called a junkie, but I couldn’t accept it.

I remember hanging out in abandos that were empty and dark.

I remember shooting up in the bathroom and falling out at the park.

I remember nodding out in front of my sister’s kid.

I remember not remembering half the things that I did.

I remember the dope man’s time frame, just ten more minutes.

I remember those days being so sick I just wanted to end it.

I remember the birthdays and holiday celebrations.

All the things I missed during my incarceration.

I remember overdosing on my bedroom floor.

I remember my sister’s cry and my dad breakin down the door.

I remember the look on his face when I opened my eyes, thinking today was the day that his baby had died.

I remember blaming myself when my mom decided to leave.

I remember the guilt I felt in my chest making it hard to breathe.

I remember caring so much but not knowing how to show it and I know to this day she probably don’t even know it.

I remember feeling like I lost all hope.

I remember giving up my body for the next bag of dope.

I remember only causing pain, destruction and harm.

I remember the track marks the needles left on my arm.

I remember watching the slow break up of my home.

I remember thinking my family would be better off if I just left them alone.

I remember looking in the mirror at my sickly complexion.

I remember not recognizing myself in my own Damn reflection.

I remember constantly obsessing over my next score but what

I remember most is getting down on my knees and asking God to save me cuz I don’t want to do this no more!!!

Arboleda, C. (2017). Mom shares late daughter’s poem about heroin addiction.

Write to me at Amarah’s Hope for Kids Like Me, P.O. Box 354, Alamosa, CO 81101. I’m offering World Bible School Bible Correspondence Courses (free/postage paid) to kids like me and their parents, too. If you know a kid like me, or parent, who doesn’t have a Bible, contact me and I’ll make sure they get a Bible of their very own, “…and all the earth may know there is a God…” (1 Samuel 17:46, KJV).

My goal is to help kids like me, and I want to help their parents, too. Until next time, remember, Jesus Loves You, and JESUS IS LORD!