Alamosa City Council starts off new year

Posted 1/15/25

ALAMOSA — In their first meeting of the new year, the Alamosa City Council plans to wrap up several issues held over from 2024 while taking on new ones for 2025. The meeting is Wednesday, Jan. 15, at 7 p.m. 

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Alamosa City Council starts off new year


ALAMOSA — In their first meeting of the new year, the Alamosa City Council plans to wrap up several issues held over from 2024 while taking on new ones for 2025. The meeting is Wednesday, Jan. 15, at 7 p.m. 

On the agenda is an annual update from Alamosa Creates and the introduction of Alamosa Police Department Support Services Captain Brandon Bertsch. 

There will be a second reading of Ordinance No. 35-2024 that amends the Unified Development Code for uses related to natural medicine.  

Second readings of an ordinance include time for public comment prior to the vote. 

Ordinance 35-2024 was created in response to Colorado voters’ 2022 passage of Proposition 122, decriminalizing possession of psilocybin mushroom possession by adults and allowing state-licensed treatment centers – referred to as natural medicine treatment centers - to administer the drug for various uses under the supervision of staff trained in the area.  Passage of Prop 122 was followed by passage of additional legislation clarifying the rollout of the new laws.  

By state law, local jurisdictions may only regulate the “time, place and manner” of natural medicine treatment centers.  

City staff have worked with both the planning commission and city council to develop an ordinance that abides by states laws while reflecting the desire of the community. Efforts resulted in two separate ordinances: one that is more restrictive and has unanimous support from the planning commission, and a second ordinance that is less restrictive. City staff are recommending the second ordinance to members of the city council.  

A second vote on the ordinance in Wednesday night’s meeting will put the issue to rest.  

Two additional ordinances in their second reading include No. 34-2024 which prohibits skilled gaming arcades or skilled gaming uses in the city of Alamosa and 36-2024 which, if passed, would prohibit camping in tents on private property for more than 48 hours with limited exceptions. 

The council will also consider, on first reading, approving an ordinance for an intergovernmental agreement among law enforcement agencies that would create a regional SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) team. 

Also under consideration is a motion authorizing sponsorship of $5,000 and in-kind support to entities in different amounts, including Cinco de Mayo Block Party ($2,000 plus use of the stage for $200); Alamosa Round-UP ($1,000 plus use of the stage for $200, tent for $300, venue estimated at $1,250-$1,500, and electricity/water estimated at $100-$120); Rollin Deep Car and Bike Show  ($600 plus use of the stage for $200);  National Sport Rocket Launch (use of the tent for $300); 5th Annual SoCo Spring Soiree & 5th Annual Juneteenth Safari ($300 and use of the course $200); Chamber Art & Award Gala ($0); Mysterious Valley Productions Musical Acts ($100 and stage if needed and available  for $200); SLV RETAC CPR Classes ($0); Summerfest on the Rio ($1,000 plus use of the stage for $200) and tent for $300). 

Alamosa City Council meetings begin at 7 p.m. and are held in council chambers at 300 Hunt Ave. To attend via Zoom, go to People can call in by dialing 1-719-359-4580 US, webinar ID: 848 0704 0356.