403,356 miles and counting

Trout Republic

Posted 6/28/24

This past week I helped shuttle some fishermen’s rigs and one of the trucks had 403,356 miles on it.

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403,356 miles and counting

Trout Republic


This past week I helped shuttle some fishermen’s rigs and one of the trucks had 403,356 miles on it. Not only was this remarkable vehicle still running, but I also honestly think it ran as good and as quietly as the day it was driven off the showroom floor.

Miss Trixie and I have been shuttling some vehicles for a local fly shop and so Ol’ Dutch has found himself getting to compare every make and model of truck and SUV out there over the past few weeks. And it’s been a real eye-opening experience, let me tell you.

Ol’ Dutch has long been a General Motors products purchaser as I seem to get a whale of a deal any time I trade for a new one. I have, of course, looked at other brands made in the good old USA, but always seem to come back to GM.

Very early in my driving years – shortly after the Model T went into production according to Miss Trixie – a company I worked for had all Dodge trucks. And they were the cheapest ones a person could buy at the time, so my impression of them was not that great.  I think it was the daily crawling under the one I drove to plug in the transmission wire that probably soured me like a “pickle my puss” gummy bear. And I really have never liked the body style of any Ford. Like they say, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and I just don’t feel like beholding a Ford.

So, I’ve ambled along with my Chevy and GMC trucks all these many long years and they seemed to work out just fine for me with no major hiccups. And like they say, “don’t change horses in the middle of the river” so I stuck with what I knew and I “thought” I was satisfied.

That is until this past week. There I was just minding my own business, happily satisfied with my paid off Chevy truck when I was asked to drive a truck that came from far East Asia. I still recall the moment when Miss Trixie drove me up to the truck that needed to be moved downriver. Thinking back, I believe I heard angels' wings. Or something like that.

For there it sat in all its splendor and glory, a brand-new Toyota Tundra truck. I can still recall the awe I felt as I climbed up into the cab and was immediately immersed in first class appointments all around me. This was not the 1988 Toyota pickup that my son drove through high school with the cramped-up leg room, tiny cab and small engine. No-sirree-bob this was a horse of a different color for sure.

This Tundra beast drove like a new Caddy and handled extremely well. I was smitten. It reminded me of the first time I saw Miss Trixie to tell you the truth. A mind-bending experience. Or something like that.

Which leads me to the title of this expose “403,356.” That exact mileage was found on a 2005 Tundra I drove and while not the expansive cab of the newer ones, it was full size for the day and quite comfy if I might say so myself.

I could not believe my eyes when I glanced down at the odometer and there it was for all to see, almost a half million miles on that truck. And what was most amazing is it drove and ran perfectly and was as quiet as a church mouse on Sunday morning.  I know, right? Most vehicles with that age, not to mention high mileage, are starting to show the effects of potholes and there are rattles and noises galore in them. But not this little workhorse. She just ran along like a sewing machine on zigzag.

I parked the aged truck and gave her a pat on the hood as I walked away, a slight tear appearing in my eye. Or not. I sure enjoyed that ride and couple that with the new ones I got to drive, and Ol’ Dutch is wanting to trade the old Bowtie for a Yota.

I am praying that temptation stays far from me but so far, it's sitting in my hip pocket as I look online at those Japanese wonders. Say a prayer for me to resist.

Kevin Kirkpatrick and his Yorkie, Cooper, fish, hunt, ATV or hike daily. His email is Kevin@TroutRepublic.com. Additional news can be found at www.troutrepublic.com.