Letter to the editor: Change needed in leadership

Food prices are going up! California produces a major portion of our fruits and vegetables, and the crops there are already stressed by climate change-induced drought. But now, 13 million of produce in just two counties there has rotted in the fields as workers terrorized by the immigration police, avoid showing up for work. Even high wages and good benefits are not enough to entice American citizens to pick and pack crops.

Scott Tipton has voted more than 95 percent of the time with a president who builds walls against a necessary commodity: farmworkers. The congressman’s hero also wants a trade war and will have it on the backs of the rural communities. American agriculture products will soon be punished by China as well, in response to the president’s decision to raise tariffs.

As famers go broke with unpicked crops and unsold exports, as prices rise in the grocery stores, as food supplementation programs like SNAP are slashed by 30-40 percent so tax cuts can go to the wealthy, perhaps hungry voters will make better choices in the upcoming midterm elections.

Congressman Scott Tipton, we need a government that considers more than the wealthy few!! You, like all of us need to eat, but some of us may not be able to.

Sincerely, Sarah Hoenninger
