Center author publishes 'Crest' novel

CENTER—Jesse Wright makes her mark in the literary world with the story of how secrets blanketed small town “Crest” (published by Xlibris), leading to murder and mayhem. This thrilling adventure is more than just adrenaline-filled read but a relatable story to teens and people who love in town where everyone knows everyone.

Living in a small town, not much can go wrong. Everyone knows everyone else, and everyone is kind to each other. So when a murder strikes the small town of Crest, who can be trusted anymore?

May Dee is an average 17-year-old girl in an average small town with not-so-average secrets. She meets a boy who has his own secrets and anger problems to match, and an unlikely friendship occurs. When faced with murders near her home, she has only one option of thinking. Could this boy, Silas Kredible, be the one killing people in his own town, or is her imagination playing a cruel joke on her?

More than its offer of thrill and suspense, this book is geared towards the teens and young adults population, to encourage them to read and see that people with secrets do not have to feel less than others. Through richly drawn, relatable characters the small town of “Crest” comes alive inside the pages of this book to encourage more than to entertain.

“My book isn’t aiming for love or scaring people, it’s aimed more towards being real and connecting with its reader. It’s not meant to scare, but rather to say, no matter what, you can overcome the obstacle in your way, and everything will be okay, even when the outcome isn't what you wanted,” Wright says.

“Crest” by Jesse Wright is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Jesse Wright has been writing since fifth grade. This is her first published work.