A Trail of Thoughts: Seize the day

I like to take the good opportunities that come my way. Thankfully, there have been quite a few times when I have been able to do so.

Opportunities can come in many different forms. They can be everything from spending time with loved ones to exciting events that I look forward to.

One thing is for sure, if they are good, I don’t want to miss them. I try my best to make the best choices that I can according to what I believe to be true.

There is a Latin saying called Carpe Diam. It means “seize the day!” In many ways, life is all about opportunities that we come across and the choices that we do or don’t make. The only thing that matters in the end is pressing forward.

The past is the past. There is nothing that anyone can do to change that. Nothing can be done about yesterday or tomorrow. However, the choices we make today do matter. I am convinced of that. They matter because they can indeed affect the outcomes of tomorrow.

If the next day is going to be better, it starts with a choice today. Those whom I have looked up to as being difference makers have lived in this manner and I hope to emulate them.