Educator Highlight Award for March goes to Miriam Baines

Courtesy photo Miriam Baines, Alamosa High School biology and mathematics teacher, received the Adams State University School of Education March Educator Highlight Award.

Biology and math teacher at AHS has been there since the beginning

ALAMOSA - Miriam Baines is one of the originals. When Alamosa High School moved from its location on Victoria Avenue to a new school building on Craft Drive in 1997, Baines was among the teachers who helped christen the new school building that inaugural year.

Andy Lavier, the principal at Alamosa High School, recalled the story this week when Baines was honored with the Educator Highlight Award from Adams State School of Education during a ceremony in her biology classroom.

Baines and Lavier are two of only three original staff members who remain at AHS from that first year in the new Alamosa High. Their time spent together, first breaking in the new school building as young teachers and now 27 years later as principal and teacher, has brought both nostalgic memories as well as respect for each other and the way each has helped Alamosa High become one of the strongest-performing public schools in Colorado.

“She’s great with students. She’s great with staff,” the principal said.

Baines is the 14th educator recognized by Adams State School of Education in its ongoing effort to honor outstanding teachers, administrators, and support staff working in schools across the San Luis Valley. Baines holds three degrees from Adams State, two bachelor’s degrees and a master’s degree.

See the full list of Educator Highlight Award honorees. It’s also a good reminder to make your nomination of an educator deserving of the award before this school year ends.

“Being an educator to me means preparing our youth for the future and it’s my job to get them through high school,” said Baines.

She’s been teaching biology and math for 29 years. Lavier presented her with a bouquet of flowers for all the time she’s spent educating Alamosa youth and to highlight her as one of the Valley’s outstanding educators.

This monthly award recognizes Adams State University School of Education alumni, prominent local teachers, and other educators working within or hailing from the San Luis Valley. In so doing, Adams State University hopes to build familiarity with the community as a serious destination for future educators. To nominate and educator email Chrissy McKinney at [email protected].